Be Our Contributor

Showcase Your Creativity & Earn With Royaltyfreecliick

At Royaltyfreecliick, we believe in empowering creators by providing a platform to showcase their work and earn from their creativity. Join our growing community of contributors and share your high-quality stock images, videos, vectors, and AI-generated visuals with a global audience. Whether you're an experienced creator or just starting, we make it easy for you to monetize your content and track your success.

Why Become a Contributor?

  • Earn Up to 50% Commission: As a contributor, you can earn up to 50% commission on every sale of your assets.
  • Global Exposure: Showcase your work to clients worldwide, increasing your chances of making sales and building your portfolio.
  • Easy-to-Use Platform: Our user-friendly dashboard makes it simple for you to upload, manage, and track your content.
  • No Expiry on Assets: Once your assets are approved, they will be available for sale indefinitely.
  • Simple Upload Process: We provide a clear, straightforward process to help you upload images, vectors, and videos with ease.

How to Become a Contributor:

  • Step 1: Sign Up:

    Click the Sign Up button and enter your Name, Email, and select "Contributor" as your user type. Upload a valid National ID for verification and set a Password. Once completed, click Submit.

  • Step 2: Account Creation:

    After submission, your account will be created, and you'll be redirected to your Contributor Dashboard, where you can start uploading assets.

  • Step 3: Upload Your Assets:

    For Image Upload:

    1. Go to your dashboard and click the Image button.
    2. Select the appropriate Category and Subcategory.
    3. Provide a Title, Description, Tags, and Keywords.
    4. If the image includes people, upload a Model Release form. If private property is featured, upload a Property Release form.
    5. If no identifiable people or private property is involved, click Save.
    6. To submit an image (size: 1MB to 150MB), navigate to My Uploads, click Edit, scroll to Large Image Option, upload your file, and click Submit for approval.

    For Vector Upload:

    1. The process is similar to image uploads, but instead of an image file, upload your Vector file in ZIP format (containing AI or EPS files).
    2. Provide a Title, Description, Tags, and Keywords.
    3. Since vectors do not require model releases, skip that section.
    4. Tick the ☑ Vector box below the Property Release Option, and then click Submit.

    For Video Upload:

    1. The process is almost identical to image uploads.
    2. Provide a Title, Description, Tags, and Keywords.
    3. If the video features people or private property, upload the relevant Model or Property Release form.
    4. Upload a Large Video file with a minimum resolution of 720p. Once uploaded, click Submit for approval.

Content Requirements

Image Requirements:

  • File Format: JPEG (.jpg)
  • File Size: Between 1MB to 150MB
  • Focus and Sharpness: Images must be in focus, with clear and sharp details.
  • Lighting and Exposure: Properly exposed with natural colors. Avoid overexposure or underexposure.
  • Noise and Artifacts: Images should be free from excessive noise, artifacts, and compression issues.
  • Editing: Light adjustments are allowed, but over-editing should be avoided. Maintain authenticity.
  • No Watermarks or Text: Images should not contain watermarks, text, logos, or any other graphics.
  • Model and Property Releases: Required for identifiable individuals or private property.
  • Original Content: You must not have copied or uploaded someone else’s image.

Stock Video Requirements:

  • File Format: MP4 (.mp4)
  • Resolution: Minimum of HD (720p); 4K is preferred.
  • Frame Rate: Minimum of 25 frames per second (fps).
  • Duration: Minimum of 5 seconds.
  • Stability: Videos must be stable, with no unintentional shake or wobble.
  • Quality: Free of noise, pixelation, and artifacts. Good lighting and color grading are important.
  • Sound: Videos will be uploaded without sound.
  • No Watermarks or Logos: Videos must not contain any watermarks, text, logos, or added graphics.
  • Model and Property Releases: Required for identifiable people or private locations.
  • Original Content: You must not have copied or uploaded someone else’s video.

Vector Requirements:

  • File Format: EPS or AI.
  • Scalability: Vectors should be fully scalable without losing quality.
  • Editable Elements: All text must be editable, and layers should be properly labeled.
  • Color Mode: Use RGB color mode.
  • Design Quality: Clean lines, professional design, and appropriate color contrast.
  • No Watermarks or Embedded Images: Vectors should be purely original without watermarks or external image elements.
  • Relevance and Versatility: Vectors should be designed for broad usage, such as icons, infographics, backgrounds, etc.
  • File Organization: Keep files organized with appropriate groupings for easy editing.
  • Original Content: You must not have copied or uploaded someone else’s vector.

General Guidelines for All Submissions:

  • Originality: Only submit content that is 100% original, with no third-party elements or copyright issues. If any copyrighted content is uploaded, the contributor is solely responsible, and Royaltyfreecliick or its parent company, Lensman Digitech Solutions (OPC) Private Limited, will not be liable.
  • Content Quality: Ensure all content is suitable for commercial use—no offensive, explicit, or inappropriate content.
  • Metadata: Provide relevant titles, descriptions, and keywords to help users find your content easily.
  • Legal Compliance: Ensure all content complies with copyright laws, and provide model/property releases when required.

Ready to Join Us?

Start your journey as a Royaltyfreecliick Contributor today! Sign Up Now and begin sharing your creative assets with the world. We look forward to seeing your work and helping you grow as a contributor on our platform!

Contributor Commission Slabs

  • Level 1: Sales up to 100 downloads — 20% commission
  • Level 2: Sales from 101 to 250 downloads — 30% commission
  • Level 3: Sales from 251 to 500 downloads — 40% commission
  • Level 4: Sales of 501 downloads & above — 50% commission

Please note: All earnings are calculated after applicable discounts and taxes have been deducted.

Download Release Forms

Before submitting your work, please ensure you have the necessary releases.